Friday, 14 May 2010

We are CON-DEM'ed !!!!

Hmmm, it seems we are waking up to a CON DEM government! My prediction, there will be some fireworks soon. A seep sizzling of resentment and suppressed ideas!!

As always, Steve Bell says it best. What an amazing political cartoonist.

You can find Steve Bell's "IF" cartoon clicking here and also the main daily cartoons like the above by clicking here

... I do wonder what is going to happen to all those bloated "Regional Development Agencies" and quango's floating around. There's a lot of waste going on in this part of the country, but as ever, will the changes promote successful business development and true innovation.

My comment, its really time for a new politics, and I don't think that the politicians have worked this out yet! There is a solution, but it may not be as obvious at the moment? Comments please!

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